In the 'traditional' way of maintaining large installations, preventive maintenance is performed often. After the expiry of a specified calendar time or hours of an installation is made open and bearings and other wear parts are replaced as a precaution.
Efficient way
More and more the (maritime) industry realizes, that maintenance can be much smarter and more efficient. After all, why would you like to replace bearings if they are still in good condition? And also the risk that errors are introduced in a revision and shows problems after the repair that were not present before? By using condition monitoring, the current condition of parts is measured and can be serviced when it is really necessary or desired.
Wide overall support
Also suppliers of machinery realize that maintenance can be more efficient and often work with this too. By providing advice to how-it-should-be measured and to stand for the operation of facilities as they are based on condition maintained. Guarantee costs can be brought to lower levels.
Maritime sector
In the maritime sector, most of the Class agencies applaud the use of condition monitoring. This is very interesting for companies. Most major classification societies have guidelines on how it should be. When condition monitoring is implemented and the condition measurements show that plants still in good condition, the 5-yearly special survey by class can be delayed or skipped. Shipping companies can save extremely on time and cost.
External documents
On the links below you can find the guidelines for condition monitoring of a number of major Classification Societies.
(bestanden aanhangen)
Lloyd's Register pdf (4.7 MB)
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) pdf (463 KB)