Since a good start is very important, DB Asset Services can perform your Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) following the applicable protocols. As an independent party we have often performed these tests for either manufacturers or for the end users/clients.
Complete analysis
General FAT protocols often only measure the velocity vibrations levels. This type of measurement is great for finding imbalance or misalignment issues, but most often will not show bearing and gear damages. In addition to the basic FAT evaluation, we can further assess the measurement results to ensure no installation faults are present. Here we take an in-depth look at the bearings and (if applicable) gearbox to check if these components are in good condition.
Base measurement
If desired DB Asset Services can perform a Baseline- or 0-measurement at the plant. This to check if there are any installation problems present and to ensure the equipment’s reliability. This baseline measurement is also used to obtain data as a reference for future measurements..