Header DB Asset Services


With ultrasound measurement sounds are recorded that are in a higher frequency than is possible to hear with the human ear. DB Asset Services uses Ultrasound detection for multiple purposes. Since the sounds are only measured in a certain direction it is possible to locate the exact location of the origin of the sound.



With fast-rotating bearing (60 rpm or higher) usually are measured with vibration sensors to determine the status of the bearing. These measurements are very accurate and can determine the development of the damage. Vibration measurements costs are relatively high because of the used equipment and the time that is necessary to analyze the measurement.

With smaller installations we therefor use Ultrasound. The measurements and analyses is less time-consuming. This way the status of less important bearings are able to be analyzed for a relatively low cost.

Slow running installations

Slow running installations create less energy with bearing damage than fast running installations. This makes it hard to detect bearing damage with other measurement techniques like vibration measurements. To detect bearing damages before it is too late ultrasound is a very useful method.

Air/Liquid leakage

When air or liquid leaks from a high to lower pressure area, high velocities can be reached this will result in high-frequency sound. This can be measured with Ultrasound and the source can be located very accurately. We use this method to detect leakage at valves, for example, hydraulic- of pneumatic systems.

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